
Bid Comparison Evaluation

Bid Comparison Evaluation

This form is designed to help you compare different health plans using a point-based scoring system. There are 100 total points available, and the system is weighted so that important aspects such as price and network availibility are given more value. This weighing system is typical of the evaluation criteria that many local governments use in order to comply with the Local Government Code, Chapter 262.030(d). However, it may be adapted to reflect the priorities of your particular county.

Scoring System:

Benefits 20%

Network 25%

Total cost 25%

Financial stability 15%

Service 15%

To use this evaluation form, simply fill in the boxes for each carrier that you wish to compare. The answers to these questions will help you decide which carrier best meets the needs of your individual county.

You may receive some proposals that will be rejected immediately for one reason or another. One good way to lighten your work is to choose your top 3 or 4 candidates and then only put those on the spreadsheet.

Once the cells have been completed, have your appointed insurance committee, Commissioner’s Court, or other representative give each carrier a score for the five sections listed above. Score each section based upon how well it meets the county’s needs. For example, on a scale of 1 to 20, what score would you give each carrier for benefits? On network, rate each carrier on a scale of 1 to 25 and continue scoring each section. On the last page, add up the scores for each of the sections to see which carrier most closely matches your county’s needs. Knowledge Thailand ,Knowledge Thailand,Knowledge Thailand
Knowledge Thailand ,Knowledge Thailand,Knowledge Thailand
Knowledge Thailand ,Knowledge Thailand,Knowledge Thailand
Knowledge Thailand ,Knowledge Thailand,Knowledge Thailand
Knowledge Thailand ,Knowledge Thailand,Knowledge Thailand.
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